The Ten Illusions of the Human Race

The Ten Illusions of the Human Race

The Illusion of Need

“The first illusion is: Need exists.
This is not only the first illusion, but the grandest. On this illusion are all other illusions based.
Everything that you currently experience in life, everything that you feel moment to moment, is rooted in this idea and your thoughts about it.
Need is non-existent in the Universe. One needs something only if one requires a particular result. The Universe does not require a particular result. The Universe is the result.
Need is likewise non-existent in the mind of God. God would need something only if God requires a particular result. God does not require any particular result. God is that which produces all results.
If God needed something to produce a result, where would God get it? There is nothing that exists outside of God. God is All That Is, All That Was, and All That Will Ever Be. There is nothing that is that is not God.
You may better grasp this idea if you use the word “Life” in place of the word “God”. The two words are interchangeable, so you will not alter the meaning; you will merely increase your understanding.
Nothing that Is not Life. If Life needed something to produce a result, where would Life get it? There is nothing that exists outside of Life. Life Is All That Is, All That was, and All That Will Ever Be.”

2 .
The Illusion of Failure

“The second illusion is: Failure exists.
The idea that God’s Will (assuming that God has one) could not be done runs counter to everything you thought you knew about God–namely, that God is all-powerful, ever present, the Supreme Being, the Creator–but it is one that you nevertheless enthusiastically embraced.
This produced the highly improbable but very powerful illusion that God can fail; God can desire something but not get it. God can desire something but not receive it. God can need something but not have it.
In short, God’s Will can be thwarted.
This illusion was quite a stretch, for even the limited perception of the human mind could spot the contradiction. Yet your species has a rich imagination and can stretch credibility to the limit with amazing ease. You have not only imagined a God with needs, you have imagined a God who can fail to have his needs met.
How have you done this? Once again, through the use of projection. You have projected your self upon your God.”

The Illusion of Disunity

“The third illusion is: Disunity exists.
The only escape from the conundrum of The second Illusion was to create a third: The Creator and the creation were not all one.
This required the human mind to conceive of the possibility of the impossible – that That Which is One is not One; that That Which Is Unified is really separated.
This is the Illusion of Disunity – the idea that separation exists.
Your species reasoned that if creations were separate from the Creator, and if the Creator allowed the creations to do whatever they pleased, it would then be possible for the creations to do something that the Creator did not want them to do. Under these circumstances, the Will of the Creator could be thwarted. God could have something but not give it. Disunity produces the possibility of failure, and failure is only possible if Need exist. One illusion depends upon another.”

The Illusion of Insufficiency

“This is the fourth illusion: Insufficiency exists.
It arises out of the third illusion, for without of the idea of disunity, the idea of Insufficiency is unsupportable.  If there is only One Thing, and that One Thing Is All That Is, there can be no Insufficiency of any kind, because That One Thing Is Everything, and thus…
It Is Sufficient unto Itself.
This is a statement of the Nature Of God.
This is not however, the experience of humans, because humans imagine themselves to be separate from God, and separate from each other as well. Yet no human is separate from God, since God is Everything That Is. Therefore humans are Not and cannot, be separate from each other.”

The Illusion of Requirement.

“This is the fifth illusion: Requirement exists.
The existence of Insufficiency led rapidly and inevitably to the idea of the next illusion.
If there were enough stuff, there would be nothing you would have to do to get whatever it was that you wanted or needed. You would just reach out and it would be there. But that is not how humans decided that it is. They said there is not enough. So now they faced the question: How does one get enough? How does one qualified?
You imagined that there must be something that you had to do in order to get the stuff of which there was not enough – something that would allow you to lay claim to it without argument. This is the only way that you could figure out how to get everything – including God – divided in your favor without killing and squabbling. You imagined this to be the Requirement.”

The Illusion of Judgment

“This is the sixth illusion: Judgment exists.
Your decision that there is something that you must do in order to obtain that of which there is not enough – including God – required you to answer difficult questions: How will it be determined whether a person has met the requirement or not? And what will happens to those who have not?
Your answer to these questions produced the invention of Judgment.
Someone, you reasoned, must be the final arbiter. Since the Creator was the one who established the requirement, it seemed only logical that the Creator would also be the one to decide who had met the requirement and who had not.
For a very long time your species has held the thoughts that there was something you had to do in order to please God – and that failure to please God produced dire consequences. That you came to such a conclusion was understandable. Looking around you, you saw that some people’s lives went well, and some did not. Primitive mind asked, why? And primitive mind came up with a primitive answer.”

The Illusion of Condemnation

“This is the seven illusion: Condemnation exists.
There had to be a consequence of Judgment. If it was true that Judgment exist, there had to be a why.
Clearly, one was judged in order to determine whether one should receive the rewards of meeting the requirement. That’s how humans constructed it. Seeking insight, trying to find answers, you went back to your original cultural stories, and to the first Illusions on which they were based. You told your self that I separated you from My Self  when you failed to meet my requirement the first time.”

The Illusion of Conditionality

“This is the Eight Illusion: Conditionality exists.
In order for Condemnation to exist, there must be something you don’t understand about Love.
This was your conclusion, and you invented Conditionality as a characteristic of life in order to resolve the dilemma that this presented.
Everything in life must be Conditional. Wasn’t this self-evident?  Some of the thinkers among you asked. Have you not understood the second illusion? The outcome of life is in doubt.
Failure exists.
That means you can fail to win God’s Love. God’s Love is conditional. You must meet the Requirement. If you do not meet the Requirement, you will be separated. Is this not what the Third Illusion taught you?”

The Illusion of Superiority

“This is the Ninth Illusion: Superiority exists.
Humans concluded if Conditionality existed, then knowing the conditions would be necessary to enjoy and create the life – and the after life that one desired.
This conclusion was unavoidable, as was: Those who knew the conditions were better of than those who did not. And it did not take much time for the human race to remove the word “off” from the previous sentence.
Thus the idea of Superiority was born.
Superiority had many uses.  Chief among them was providing inarguable justification for doing whatever was needed in other to guarantee that “enough” of everything – including God’s Love – was available. Knowing the conditions gave one the right to ignore others, or seek to convert others, or simply eliminate others who did not know the conditions, or agree to them.”

The Illusion of Ignorance

“This is the Tenth Illusion: Ignorance exists.
Increasingly, as each illusion was pilled upon the last, Life became more and more difficult to figure out. Humans asked more and more questions that could not be answered. If this was true, then why that? If this was true, then why this? It wasn’t long before philosophers and teachers began throwing up their hands. “We don’t know,” they said, “and we don’t know if it’s possible to know.”
Thus, the idea of ignorance was born.
This idea served so many purposes that it spread quickly and soon became the ultimate answer.
We just don’t know.
Human institutions began finding in this not only a refuge but also a certain kind of power. “We don’t know” turned into “We are not supposed to know,” which became “you do not have a need to know,” which finally became “what you don’t know won’t hurt you.”
This gave religions and governments the authority to say what they choose, and act as they pleased, without having to answer to anyone.”

God Says:
Become an instrument of My Peace.

“Where there is hatred, sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy;
Seek not so much to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For Love is who you are, and who have always been.
It is all there was, is now, and ever shall be.
You have searched for a truth by which to live your life, and I give to you here again.
Be Love, My Beloved.
Be Love, and your long journey to mastery will be over, even as your new journey to bring others to mastery has just begun. For Love is all that you are, All That I am, and All That We Were Meant to Be.
So Be It.

Note: These are excerpts from the book COMMUNION WITH GOD by Neale Donald Walsch. If there is something that you have not yet understood about God and Life, and this understanding could change your life, then reading this book will be a benefit to you. Namaste Sri Sutrananda.
“Things aren’t always what they seem.”

Two traveling angels

Keep reading to the bottom of the page — don’t stop, at the feet (You’ll see).

Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family.

The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion’s guest room.

Instead the angels were given a small space in

the cold basement.

As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.

When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied,

“Things aren’t always what they seem.”

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.

After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night’s rest.

When the sun came up the next morning the angels

found the farmer and his wife in tears.

Their only cow,! whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.

The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen?

The first man had everything, yet you helped him, he accused.

The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.

“Things aren’t always what they seem,” the older angel replied.

“When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall.

Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the

wall so he wouldn’t find it.”

“Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead.

Things aren’t always what they seem.”

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don’t turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until some time later…

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